
Timeline results for 2020 to 2020

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Year from 2020, year to 2020, month is July

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  1. Treaty

    The Victorian government commits to create a truth and justice commission to "formally recognise historical wrongs and ongoing injustices" against Aboriginal people, the first state or territory to do so. The commission will work in parallel with the treaty process already under way, and will be designed and led by the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria.

    Truth telling is critical to everything we need to move forward, to heal as a state.

    — Marcus Stewart, co-chair, Taungurung Assembly
  2. Recognition

    Australian cheese manufacturer Saputo announces after reviewing a "sensitive situation" that it will retire the brand name 'Coon' because of its "responsibility to eliminate racism in all its forms". The decision comes after many years of campaigning by Aboriginal activists.


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[1] [1a] 'Victoria to set up Australia's first truth and justice commission to recognise wrongs against Aboriginal people', The Guardian 11/7/2020

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Korff, J 2025, Timeline results for 2020 to 2020, <https://www.creativespirits.info/aboriginalculture/timeline/searchResults?q=&s=&category=any&yearFrom=2020&yearTo=2020&month=7>, retrieved 25 January 2025

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