
Timeline results for 2021 to 2021

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Year from 2021, year to 2021, month is January

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  1. Treaty

    The Commonwealth government releases draft proposals from the Indigenous Voice co-design process.

  2. Prime Minister Scott Morrison changes the words of the national anthem. The second line of the national song is now "for we are one and free" instead of "young and free". The change recognises Australia's long Aboriginal history but also the waves of migration and how Australians have united in times of crisis. However, the PM did not consult with Aboriginal people. NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian had raised the idea for the wording change about a year ago. It is the first change to the anthem since 1984.

    Australia as a modern nation may be relatively young, but our country’s story is ancient, as are the stories of the many First Nations peoples.

    — Scott Morrison, Prime Minister


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[1] 'Now is the time to recognise that Australia is 'one and free'', SMH 31/12/2020

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Korff, J 2024, Timeline results for 2021 to 2021, <https://www.creativespirits.info/aboriginalculture/timeline/searchResults?q=&s=&category=any&yearFrom=2021&yearTo=2021&month=1>, retrieved 19 April 2024

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