Aboriginal timeline: Stolen Generations

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  1. Second progress scorecard of the Stolen Generations Working Partnership.


  1. The Supreme Court of Western Australia in Perth begins a "landmark" Stolen Generations test case which started in 2010 when law firm Lavan Legal lodged a Writ on behalf of 9 members of the Collard family, including parents Donald and Sylvia, whose children were removed without consent and placed in state care between 1958 and 1961 .


  1. Third progress scorecard of the Stolen Generations Working Partnership.

  2. The Legislative Council refers to the General Purpose Standing Committee No.3 the Inquiry into Reparations for the Stolen Generations in New South Wales.

  3. South Australia announces a compensation fund worth $11 million for members of the Stolen Generations, the second state after Tasmania to do so. However, half of the money is allocated for memorials, counselling and other indirect compensation. .


  1. Members of the NSW Parliament offer apologies for past government policies after the state government tabled a report which makes 35 recommendations for reparations. Among these is a financial reparation scheme, similar to those in place in Tasmania and South Australia.

    We are sorry, we are very, very sorry for the past.

    — Jan Barham, Greens MLC and committee chair
  2. NSW Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Leslie Williams, announces a reparations package worth more than $73 million to Stolen Generations survivors. It includes a $59.5 million administrative scheme offering one-off financial payments of $75,000 to survivors and a $5 million healing fund. He also promised to establish a Stolen Generations advisory committee.

    The NSW Government officially acknowledges the real and heartbreaking trauma caused by historic government policies and practices of removing Aboriginal children from their kin and country.

    — Leslie Williams, NSW Minister for Aboriginal Affairs


  1. A report from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare and the Healing Foundation reveals for the first time the direct link between the forced removal of tens of thousands of Aboriginal children from their families and the real-life symptoms of intergenerational trauma. It finds that Stolen Generations members are almost twice as likely as other Aboriginal people to rely on welfare payments and experience violence.

  2. The government passes the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment Bill, granting the Children’s Court the power to decide whether a child who has stayed with foster parents for up to two years should be restored to their family or be adopted by the foster parents. Aboriginal people worry the new law leads to a new generation of stolen Aboriginal children.


  1. An independent review into Aboriginal out-of-home care in NSW presents its final report. It finds that child protection workers regularly gave "misleading" evidence to the children’s court, often took the most traumatic option by removing Aboriginal children from their families, and operated in a "closed system" that lacked transparency, had no effective regulator and was run with little or no genuine consultation with the Aboriginal community. The review also found "widespread noncompliance" with law and policy by family and community services workers.


  1. Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Minister Gavin Jennings announces a new $10 million Stolen Generations Redress Scheme to support counselling services, a funeral or memorial fund and redress payments for survivors.


  1. The Northern Territory and Australian Capital Territory promise to compensate survivors of the Stolen Generations with up to $75,000 each for the suffering inflicted on them by forcibly removing them from their families, after the federal government no longer opposes a compensation scheme.


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[15956] 'Landmark Stolen Generations Test Case Begins in Perth', http://www.als.org.au, retrieved 11/2/2013
[15962] 'Stolen Generations members to have access to $11 million fund announced by South Australian Government', ABC News 19/11/2015
[15964] 'Stolen Generation survivors welcome report calling for reparation', SBS News 23/6/2016
[15967] Media Release, Leslie Williams, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, 2/12/2016
[16909] Reconciliation News, Issue 40, October 2018

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Korff, J 2025, Aboriginal timeline: Stolen Generations, <https://www.creativespirits.info/aboriginalculture/history/australian-aboriginal-history-timeline/stolen-generations?page=5>, retrieved 6 February 2025

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