
Soundtracks of Aboriginal movies

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A collection of soundtracks to Aboriginal movies.


Album formats explained

Album formats

  • 10": 10 inch vinyl records were played at 45 or 33 1/3 rounds per minute (rpm). The former could hold 9, the latter 12 minutes of music per side.
  • 7": 7 inch records (often referred to as 45s) were played at 45 rpm or 33 1/3 rpm, with about 4:30 or 6 minutes of music per side.
  • LP: Long play, is a vinyl record played at ​33 1⁄3 rpm with a 12 or 10-inch diameter.
  • EP: Extended play, are vinyl records that allowed two or even three songs on each side.

Shadow Of The Boomerang

Soundtracks of Aboriginal movies - Shadow Of The Boomerang
  1. Shadow Of The Boomerang


Soundtracks of Aboriginal movies - Walkabout

CD/side 1

  1. Walkabout (Main Title)
  2. The Children
  3. Stranded
  4. Survival Test
  5. The Journey
  6. The Three Of Us

CD/side 2

  1. Together At Sunset
  2. Back To Nature
  3. Cliffhanger
  4. Walkabout (End Title)

The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith

Soundtracks of Aboriginal movies - The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith
  1. The Chant Of Jimmy Blacksmith (side A)
  2. Gilda (side B)

Wrong Side of the Road

14 June 1981

CD/side 1

  1. We Have Survived (No Fixed Address)
  2. Get a Grip (No Fixed Address)
  3. The Vision (No Fixed Address)
  4. Black Mans Rights (No Fixed Address)
  5. Greenhouse Holiday (No Fixed Address)
  6. The Vision (alt version; No Fixed Address)
  7. Genocide (Us Mob)
  8. Wrong Side of the Road (Us Mob)
  9. Suicidal Contemplation (Us Mob)
  10. Sunshine (Us Mob)
  11. Tough Living (Us Mob)
  12. Survive (Us Mob)

CD/side 2

  1. Genocide
  2. Wrong side of the road
  3. Suicidal contemplation
  4. Sunshine
  5. Tough living
  6. Survive

Side 1 is by No Fixed Address, side 2 by Us Mob.

Quigley Down Under

  1. Main Title
  2. The Fight
  3. The Redcoats Move On
  4. The Arrival
  5. Quigley Gets Beat Up
  6. The Stabbing
  7. Desert Trek
  8. Native Montage
  9. Cora's Story
  10. Marston's Attack
  11. Royus Interrupts
  12. The Baby
  13. Dingo Attack
  14. The Fire
  15. Under the Boat
  16. Quigley & Cora
  17. The Gift
  18. The Attack
  19. The Capture
  20. After the Gunfight / Freedom
  21. The Aborigines Return
  22. Matthew Quigley / End Credits


Soundtracks of Aboriginal movies - Bedevil
  1. Mr Chuck
  2. Title Sequence
  3. The Swamp
  4. Young Danny Robs The Shop
  5. Harmless Island Travelogue
  6. Dangerous Island Travelogue
  7. Young Danny Goes To The Cinema
  8. Young Danny Wrecks The Cinema
  9. The G.I. Revealed
  10. Choo Choo Choo Choo
  11. 'The Spirits'
  12. Ghost Train
  13. Haunted Kangaroo Hunt
  14. Haunting Spirits
  15. Train Of Terror
  16. Lovin' The Spin I'm In
  17. Imelda & Minnie's Stories
  18. Spiro's Story
  19. Minnie & Beba Appear
  20. Imelda's Nightmare
  21. Frieda's Story
  22. Minnie & Beba Dance
  23. The Nightmare Ends
  24. End Titles


Soundtracks of Aboriginal movies - Blackfellas
  1. Blackfellas Theme - Opening Titles (David Milroy)
  2. Camp Theme - Opening Titles (David Milroy)
  3. Is The Man Guilty? (Mark Bin Bakar)
  4. Waru (Fire) (Warumpi Band)
  5. Dancing In The Moonlight (Coloured Stone)
  6. From The Bush (Warumpi Band)
  7. Aching In My Body (Lorrae Coffin)
  8. Last Kiss (Donna Atkins)
  9. Breadline (Neil Murray)
  10. When A Man Loves A Woman (Mark Bin Bakar)
  11. Lonely Life (Coloured Stone)
  12. Our Love Will Never Die (Donna Atkins)
  13. My Island Home (Warumpi Band)
  14. No Fear (Warumpi Band)
  15. Gotta Be Strong (Warumpi Band)
  16. Blackfellas Theme - Closing Titles (David Milroy)

Buried Country

Soundtracks of Aboriginal movies - Buried Country

CD/side 1

  1. Jimmy Little - Royal Telephone - (1963)
  2. Olive & Eva - Old Rugged Hills - (1955)
  3. Black Allan Barker - Take Me Back - (1983)
  4. Brown Bros - Black & White Cat - (1976)
  5. Georgia Lee - Downunder Blues - (1962)
  6. Assang Bros - Just A Closer Walk With Thee - (1965)
  7. Jimmy Little - Shadow Of The Boomerang - (1960)
  8. Dougie Young - Cut A Rug - (1965)
  9. George Bracken - Blue Jean Rock - (1959)
  10. Candy Williams - Oh, Lonesome Me - (1979)
  11. Wilma Reading - That’s How I Go For You - (1961)
  12. Lionel Rose - Jackson’s Track - (1972)
  13. Auriel Andrew - Truck Driving Woman - (1970)
  14. Col Hardy - Blacktracker - (1978)
  15. Lionel Rose - I Thank You - (1969)
  16. Vic Simms - Stranger In My Country - (1973)
  17. Vic Simms - Get Back Into The Shadows - (1973)
  18. Country Outcasts - Streets Of Old Fitzroy - (1981)
  19. Country Outcasts - Jackie-jackie - (1981)
  20. Maisie Kelly - My Home In The Valley - (1999)
  21. Country Outcasts - Blue Gums Calling Me Back Home - (1981)
  22. Bobby McLeod - Wayward Dreams - (1988)
  23. Black Allan Barker - Run, Dingo, Run - (1983)
  24. Bobby McLeod - The Resurrection - (1988)

CD/side 2

  1. Herb Laughton - Ghan To The Alice - (1984)
  2. Galarrwuy Yunupingu - Gurindji Blues - (1971)
  3. Wilga Williams - Arnhem Land Lullaby - (1979)
  4. Bob Randall - Brown Skin Baby - (1984)
  5. Gus Williams - Old Aboriginal Stockman - (1994)
  6. Ernie Bridge - Helicopter Ringer - (1980)
  7. Jim Ridgeway - Ticket To Nowhere - (1980)
  8. Roger Knox & Euraba - Streets Of Tamworth - (1984)
  9. Roger Knox & Euraba - Koori Rose - (1984)
  10. Country Shades - Home-made Didjeridoo - (1986)
  11. Roger Knox & Euraba - Goulburn Jail - (1988)
  12. Mac Silver - Malabar Mansion - (1988)
  13. Mop & The Drop-outs - Brisbane Blacks - (1982)
  14. Bill Wellington - The Night Owl - (1985)
  15. Warumpi Band - Jailanguru Pakarnu - (1984)
  16. Mills Sisters - Arafura Pearl - (1987)
  17. Kevin Gunn - Down By Banjo Bore - (1991)
  18. Archie Roach - Took The Children Away - (1990)
  19. Tiddas - Inside My Kitchen - (1992)
  20. Troy Cassar-daley - Proud Young Man - (1990)
  21. Jimmy Little - Yorta Yorta Man - (1995)

One Night The Moon

  1. Opening Theme
  2. Flinders Theme
  3. One Night The Moon
  4. Moon Child
  5. The Gathering
  6. Now Listen Here
  7. This Land Is Mine
  8. The March Goes On/The Gathering 2
  9. Spirit Of The Ancients
  10. What Do You Know
  11. Carcass/The Gathering 3
  12. Night Shadows
  13. Black And White
  14. Moment Of Death
  15. Hunger
  16. Unfinished Business
  17. Spirit Of The Ancients
  18. Moody Broody
  19. Little Bones
  20. Oh Breathe On Me
  21. Moonstruck


Soundtracks of Aboriginal movies - Serenades
  1. Peydayesh Encounter
  2. Conception
  3. Mother
  4. Jila's Baptism
  5. Kooch Journey
  6. Rainman's Death
  7. Shir Lion
  8. Eid-E-Fetr Feast of Fetr
  9. A Lover in Sin
  10. To Whatever Measure
  11. Henna
  12. Raaz Mystery
  13. Attan Dance
  14. Matrimony to Mourn
  15. Matrimony to Escape
  16. Jila's Escape
  17. To Dream
  18. Water Soil and Fire
  19. Serenades
  20. Neeyayesh Prayer

Yolngu Boy

Soundtracks of Aboriginal movies - Yolngu Boy

CD/side 1

  1. Treaty (Yothu Yindi)
  2. Neva Mend (NoKTuRNL)
  3. Gapu (Yothu Yindi)
  4. Surrender (Kelli Howell)
  5. Ghost Spirits (Yothu Yindi)

CD/side 2

  1. Walking
  2. Kakadu Part 4
  3. Botj's spirit in water & Botj's spirit flies
  4. Opening sequence
  5. Botj on the gangway
  6. Turtle Hunt
  7. Botj and the community
  8. Kakadu Part 1 & 2
  9. Goanna Hunt
  10. The Canoe
  11. Baru
  12. Closer


Soundtracks of Aboriginal movies - Walkabout
  1. Walkabout
  2. The Children
  3. Stranded
  4. Night in the Outback
  5. Survival Test/The Journey
  6. The Three of Us
  7. Together at Sunrise
  8. The Deserted Settlement/The Final Dance
  9. Back to Nature
  10. They Might Be Giants (Main Title/The Game's Afoot)
  11. Moviola
  12. The Chase
  13. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland/Curioser and Curioser/You've ...
  14. The Betsy (Main Title/Love Theme
  15. The Corn Is Green
  16. Until September
  17. Seance on a Wet Afternoon (Main Title/The Kidnap/The Ransom/End Title)

Black And White

Soundtracks of Aboriginal movies - Black And White
  1. Ceduna Beach
  2. The Day at the Office
  3. The Defender
  4. The Verdict
  5. Max Stuart's Story
  6. La Belle Francoise I, III, V, VI, VII, XII (Mozart)
  7. Walk to the Gallows
  8. Young Rupert
  9. Prosecutor's Story Part 1
  10. Prosecutor's Story Part 2
  11. The Courtroom
  12. Girl on the Beach
  13. Justice Don't Come Quick

Rabbit Proof Fence

  1. Jigalong
  2. Stealing The Children
  3. Unlocking The Door
  4. The Tracker
  5. Running To The Rain
  6. On The Map
  7. A Sense Of Home
  8. Go Away Mr. Evans
  9. Moodoo's Secret
  10. Gracie's Recapture
  11. Crossing The Salt Pan
  12. The Return. Parts 1, 2 and 3
  13. Ngankarrparni (Sky Blue - reprise)
  14. The Rabbit-Proof Fence
  15. Cloudless

The Tracker

1 August 2002
  1. The Wide Open Spaces [instrumental]
  2. Far Away Home
  3. Trouble Coming
  4. Approaching [instrumental]
  5. My People
  6. After the Valley of Sorrow [instrumental]
  7. All Men Choose the Path They Walk
  8. Walk to Destiny [instrumental]
  9. The Chain
  10. A Spear [instrumental]
  11. The Contradiction
  12. Life Matters
  13. Friction [instrumental]
  14. Gungalaira
  15. The Hanging Tree [instrumental]
  16. My History
  17. The Drowning [instrumental]
  18. Hope Always [instrumental]

Soundtrack to the movie The Tracker. Songs performed by Archie Roach, composed by Graham Tardif, lyrics written by Rolf de Heer.

"The moment Archie sang the first line during a studio rehearsal, Rolf and I just looked at each other. We knew we had it." —Graham Tardif

Where can I get 'The Tracker' soundtrack CD?

Unfortunately the CD "has been deleted in 2005" according to Warner/Mushroom, the last distributors. This means that it is no longer produced. Your only chance to get a copy is the second hand market. Or get the digital album from iTunes (see link below cover image).

Australian Rules

14 July 2003
  1. Opening Credits
  2. Training
  3. Pickles Rides Out
  4. Clarence and Blacky
  5. On the Boat
  6. Darcy's Gents
  7. Fantasy Line-Up
  8. Ruck Training
  9. In Pickles' Bedroom
  10. Grand Final First Half
  11. Mum's Tactics
  12. Dumby At Half Time
  13. Grand Final Second Half
  14. What I Done To Her - Tex, Don & Charlie
  15. Under the Pier
  16. Best On Ground Announcement
  17. Pickles Torches Darcy's Gents
  18. The Shooting
  19. Mourning Outside the Pub
  20. Stones At House
  21. Walking To Dumby
  22. The Funeral
  23. End Titles


Soundtracks of Aboriginal movies - Jindabyne
  1. The rocks
  2. Jindabyne fair
  3. Body drop
  4. Claire on the road
  5. Mirror
  6. Morning fishing
  7. Stuart and Claire
  8. Power lines
  9. Nukkanya
  10. Night river
  11. So Soft
  12. Going to Susan's
  13. Welcome dance
  14. The way that I love you
  15. The humming way
  16. Troitsa bratya
  17. Everything's turning to white (Bonus track)

Aboriginal Rules

Soundtracks of Aboriginal movies - Aboriginal Rules
  1. M.A.G.P.I.E. (Football is like a ceremony)
  2. Purlja vs Football - Crocodile Johnson, Delwyn Granites, Elf Tranzporter and DJ Wasabi
  3. Tanami Road
  4. Wati Kura - Red Sand Band
  5. Down the Road - Big Bear and Caleb Hargraves
  6. M.A.G.P.I.E. (Papunya Sports)
  7. Nguru Warlalja (live) - Gordon Robertson
  8. No Building
  9. M.A.G.P.I.E. (Mt Theo)
  10. Warlukurlangu
  11. I watch them leave - Courtney Singleton and Luke Sullivan
  12. 1234
  13. Nyarrpara-kurra na Yani? - Gordon Robertson
  14. Nyurru-wiyi Japu Japu - Ned Hargraves

If not noted otherwise, tracks by Thomas 'Big Bear' Saylor.

Bran Nue Dae

24 December 2009
  1. Bran Nue Dae (Dan Sultan)
  2. All The Way Jesus (Jessica Mauboy)
  3. Seeds That You Might Sow (Dan Sultan)
  4. Feel Like Going Back Home (Ernie Dingo)
  5. Light A Light (Jessica Mauboy & Brendon Boney)
  6. Nothing I Would Rather Be (Bran Nue Dae Cast)
  7. Nyul Nyul Girl (Dan Sultan)
  8. Broome Love Theme
  9. Long Way Away From My Country (Ernie Dingo)
  10. Is You Mah Baby (Ernie Dingo)
  11. Six White Boomers (Rolf Harris)
  12. Zorba's Dance
  13. Afterglow
  14. Listen To The News (Ernie Dingo)
  15. Black Girl (Dan Sultan)
  16. Stand By Your Man (Jessica Mauboy)
  17. Nothing I Would Rather Be (Brendon Boney & Geoffrey Rush)
  18. Road Movie Medley
  19. Child Of Glory (Bob Faggetter)
  20. Going Back Home (Stephen Pigram)
  21. Bran Nue Dae - Millya Rumarra Recording (Jimmy Chi)

Mad Bastards

15 April 2011
  1. Nothing Really Matters - The Pigram Brothers with Alex Lloyd
  2. Villaret - The Pigram Brothers with Kerryn Tolhurst
  3. Slow Train - Alex Lloyd with The Pigram Brothers
  4. Won't Look Back - Alex Lloyd with The Pigram Brothers
  5. Interlude 1- Alex Lloyd
  6. Maysong - The Pigram Brothers
  7. Moonlight - The Pigram Brothers
  8. Catfish Rain - Alex Lloyd with The Pigram Brothers
  9. Interlude 2 - The Pigram Brothers
  10. Sleeping Cold - Kasey Chambers and Shane Nicholson
  11. Johnny Walker's Shoes - The Pigram Brothers
  12. In Your Arms - Alex Lloyd
  13. Hearts and Minds - The Pigram Brothers with Alex Lloyd

The Sapphires

27 July 2012
  1. Land Of A Thousand Dancers - Jessica Mauboy
  2. I Heard It Through The Grapevine - Jessica Mauboy
  3. What A Man - Jessica Mauboy
  4. I Can't Help Myself (Sugar Pie Honey Bunch) - Jessica Mauboy
  5. Who's Loving You - Jessica Mauboy
  6. I'll Take You There - Jessica Mauboy
  7. Gotcha - Jessica Mauboy
  8. Soul Man - Sam & Dave
  9. Hold On, I'm Coming - Sam & Dave
  10. Run Through The Jungle - Creedence Clearwater Revival
  11. Today I Started Loving You Again - Jessica Mauboy, Juanita Tippens & Jade Macrae
  12. People Make The World A Better Place - Juanita Tippens
  13. Yellow Bird - Jessica Mauboy & Lou Bennett
  14. Ngarra Burra Ferra - Jessica Mauboy, Lou Bennett, Juanita Tippens & Jade Macrae
  15. Shouting Out Love - The Emotions
  16. In The Sweet Bye & Bye - Darren Percival

A second album, released 16 November 2012, contains 5 more songs by Jessica Mauboy.

Around The Block

11 July 2014
  1. Just To Feel Wanted
  2. Block After Block
  3. Truth Be Told
  4. Paint the Town Red
  5. Exile
  6. She Wants To Know
  7. Broken Wings
  8. Where You At?
  9. Catch Me On The Fly
  10. Cliff Top
  11. Need It
  12. How Far How High
  13. It's Real
  14. Blackbird Strings
  15. Steve's Kill Montage
  16. Rhythm and Flow

Prison Songs

4 January 2015
  1. Waking Up In Berrimah
  2. The Berrimah Hilton
  3. White Man's Time
  4. In the Middle
  5. Silver Princess
  6. Mum and Dad
  7. God Has a Reason
  8. In My Dreams

Songs by Casey Bennetto & Shellie Morris.

The Secret Daughter: Songs from the Original TV Series

14 October 2016
  1. Risk It (original)
  2. It Must Have Been Love (Roxette)
  3. Flame Trees (Cold Chisel)
  4. Good Times (The Easybeats; featuring J.R. Reyne)
  5. Rocks" (Primal Scream; featuring J.R. Reyne)
  6. Photograph (Ed Sheeran)
  7. Stuck in the Middle (original)
  8. Amazing (Alex Lloyd)
  9. Should I Stay or Should I Go (The Clash)
  10. Home to Me" (original)
  11. Big Girls Cry (Sia)
  12. Better Be Home Soon (Crowded House)
  13. Closer (original)
  14. Tainted Love (Gloria Jones / Soft Cell)
  15. Something About You (original)
  16. Wake Me Up (Avicii)
  17. Risk It (original / acoustic version)

The album debuted at number 1 on the Australian ARIA Albums Chart, becoming Jessica Mauboy's first on that chart.

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Korff, J 2020, Soundtracks of Aboriginal movies, <>, retrieved 12 February 2025

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