
A Dying Shame


A Dying Shame examines the desperate situation of Aboriginal health in Australia.

Aboriginal health has always been an area neglected by Australian governments. Millions of dollars are needed to bring Aboriginal people on par with other Australians. A Dying Shame reveals the human tragedy behind the shocking health statistics in Australia.

A Dying Shame is a documentary that tells personal stories of families and individuals within the remote Aboriginal community in Borroloola (Northern Territory).

The movie was shot over nine months and documents the struggles of Aboriginal people and their families who have to cope with poor health and an ineffectual health system, said to be 'one of the most inequitable health services in the Western world'.

A Dying Shame is also a story of hope and courage of individuals fighting against the odds.


Release dates
1997 - Australia
Video/DVD release date
1997 (video)
Highly commended, documentary category - Dendy Awards Australia 1998
PG - Parental guidance

Other films by Paul Roy: The Riddle of the Bradshaws, First Mission, Kimberley Cops, Reef Dreams.

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Korff, J 2018, A Dying Shame, <>, retrieved 28 October 2024

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