
The Last Daughter


A poignant documentary co-directed by and featuring Wiradjuri woman Brenda Matthews on a journey to find her white family – and uncover the truth about her abduction.

As a child, Brenda was handed over to a white family to be raised, before eventually being returned to the Aboriginal family she no longer knew. She remembers her white parents with fondness, especially their daughter who was around her age.

Now an adult, Brenda searches for her foster family and the truth behind her government ordered abduction. In the process she uncovers long-buried secrets and government lies, whilst reconciling her past and the two sides of her family.

Co-directors Brenda Matthews and Nathaniel Schmidt won the Audience Documentary Award at the Adelaide Film Festival for this timely documentary.

Dear Australia…

We’re a nation of dual identity.
Blackfellas and Whitefellas.

I’m on a quest to help bring our two worlds together.
Two halves, that together, can create a powerful whole.

The Last Daughter isn’t about a change of plans, it’s about a change of heart.

From hurting to healing.
From rejection to belonging.
From disconnection to truth.

We all have a story that connects us to this Country.
In uncovering my own story, I found healing and a place to belong.

I don’t want to walk this road alone.
Will you be part of the change and walk with me to experience collective healing?

We can all find a place to belong, together.



Release dates
30 April 2023 - QLD premiere at the Gold Coast Film Festival
8 June 2023 - NSW premiere at the Sydney Film Festival
15 June 2023 - Australia-wide release
PG - Parental guidance

Brenda Matthews is a proud Wiradjuri woman living in Bundjalung Country, Queensland. This is her debut feature film.

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[1] From the official website of The Last Daughter, retrieved 10/5/2023, available at

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Korff, J 2023, The Last Daughter, <>, retrieved 28 October 2024

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