
Crossing Tracks


Crossing Tracks is a compilation of three half-hour films by Aboriginal directors.

Saturday Night, Sunday Morning

Director: Rima Tamou, 27 min

Based on the Archie Weller short story, Saturday Night, Sunday Morning takes us on a journey into the discontented life of Melanie as she grapples with adolescence, rural isolation and life with her dysfunctional father. Her difficulties escalate when she is taken hostage by three young men, for whom life has very little meaning and no consequences, and where recklessness and adrenalin rule.

Harry's War

Director: Richard Frankland, 28 min

Harry's War is a story of mateship, brothers in arms and friendship that embraces culture, war and death. Harry and Mitch are two mates who go off to fight in the jungles of Papua New Guinea during World War II. Harry is a Koorie and Mitch a non-Aboriginal Australian. Harry's War is about when mateship transcends race, cultural differences and societal barriers. It is a story of how war drives men to the brink and the journey becomes more important than the journey's end. More


Director: Ivan Sen, 33 min

Wind is a story set in 1857 about Jess, a young black tracker, and his elderly sergeant. In the cold, bleak high country they discover the body of a gold miner. In search of the killer, they come across a cabin in which the killer, an old Aboriginal man, is found hiding. After losing their horse and with the sergeant in bad health, all three are forced to shelter in the cabin. The killer is faced with the choice between his ancestral heritage and the only life he has ever known. More


M - Mature

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Korff, J 2018, Crossing Tracks, <>, retrieved 12 February 2025

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